Friday, November 12, 2010

Nokia 5630 Switch Off Camera Sound

Hello dear bloggers now post the recipe for this cake that I made in my father's birthday a few days ago! My goal was not to let him know that I was preparing a surprise dinner (that's why I called it "soft cover") so I decided to hide it by giving it my gift in the morning and making a sweet (so to appease the spirits). So I found myself having to prepare a mountain of things .. (secretly perilous ..) in short, a busy day! Luckily everything went well =)

Ingredients for one serving:
  1. 8 biscuits
  2. sweet coffee taste
  3. about 100g ricotta (I made eye though, so I can not tell with certainty)
  4. sugar to taste chocolates
  5. 4
  6. cocoa powder

work well in a bowl the ricotta with the sugar (I can not tell the dosage because I did everything by eye, but will not be difficult for you to adjust) when will homogeneous enough to join three chocolates (I used those with the chocolates inside, but go well with any kind). Pass the biscuits in the sweetened coffee and lukewarm. Place 4 biscuits on the plate, pour over the cheese and then another layer of biscuits, complete with cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Finish with a chocolate and place in refrigerator for a few hours! It seems that somewhere, but I assure you that it is a tasty recipe and more easy and quick to prepare!

PS = course also will post the recipes of dishes that I made that day:)


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