Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Free Shelly Martinez Notorious

Palermo. Starts the second contest-exhibition of Christmas cribs 2010

(Rosario Ribbene) will be inaugurated Friday, December 10, the exhibition of Nativity Christmas 2010. The event is linked to the wider initiative II-Competition Exhibition of Christmas Cribs 2010, a project conceived and curated by the cultural tourist Itiner'ars. In late October the association Itiner'ars, in collaboration with the Department of Education of the City of Palermo, has announced the competition for local schools, primary and secondary of first grade.
The purpose of this initiative was to sensitize the younger generation to respect and the recovery of traditions through the centuries-old tradition of the crib. For the organizers, in addition, the project would provide opportunities for reflection and awareness on broader issues related to the human race, as suggested by the subtitle of this second edition: "Unity of Peoples for the Unification of Italy, chosen in occasion of the anniversary - in 2011 - the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Regarding the part of creditors, the project was divided into three categories: baby (nursery schools), junior (primary) and senior (high school). As required by the announcement yesterday, the Jury of Quality - which met at the headquarters of the Department for Education of the City of Palermo - proceeded to the examination of drawings and viewed the cribs made by the 14 schools that joined the contest. The jury, composed by the architect Marinella Grillo (vice-president of Itiner'ars), the Dominican Father Anthony Stagnitta OP, by Tiziana Caccamo (member of Regional Tourist Service - Ass Tourism), on ' Arch. Francesca Aiello (Chairman of the Cultural Archikromie) and Dr. Cecilia Villanova (executive councilor Education of the City of Palermo), examined with expertise in the work produced by pupils, admiring the care of details and implementation procedures. Thus, after assigning the preferential votes for the various ex-aequo result, all the cribs were admitted to the next phase, to be showcased in the exhibition, only to be valued by visitors (jury) during the itself. The final stage of this second edition of the Competition-Exhibition of Christmas Cribs, will take place during the opening ceremony - scheduled for late January 2011 - the annual event of Palermo opened its doors.
The school adopts the city, including the competition-exhibition is anticipating the event. According to the president of Itiner'ars, the architect Bellard Grace, "the importance of the competition-exhibition lies in the involvement of young schoolchildren, children and teens, which although supported by the expertise of teachers, are the real recipients of the initiative and the willingness of the apparatus of the machine city who are working in support of initiatives like this, designed to recover unambiguous human values \u200b\u200band popular tradition, the poignant story of this land. " At the opening of the exhibition of Nativity scenes will also be the commissioner of public instruction of the City of Palermo Frank Grisafi, also confirms the willingness of the organizers reserves the leading role with the young, will attend the exhibition Music Choral and Instrumental Group of the Middle School Vittorio Emanuele III di Palermo. The exhibition is open every weekday, except Mondays and days before holidays, from 10.30 to 12.00 with free admission, at the Church of San Domenico, the pantheon of illustrious Sicilians in Palermo, all relevant information can be found at Site


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