Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Foundations By Kate Nash Piano Chords

The extinction of the turtles I

"Why do you call it" coke "? And it is one that snorts, eh? "I ask my roommate to Alta.
" Who, my friend? But it should be! is that when we met ten years ago, reminiscent of advertising coca cola light, what was a bricklayer and he took off his shirt showing your abs sculpted turtle

"Ah. To see him now you would not think "

" Yeah, then he is married and is the bang happened. "

" Well, I knew you before I had the turtle "

" seee, and then, What happened? "

" Well, then turned around. Now is the part of the shell. "

Monday, August 30, 2010

Gag On Toothbrush And Spitting Up Blood

Plautmasch Monday: The Return

resumes today (more or less) weekly column called" The Monday Plautmasch ", in which the distinguished professor, former Nobel prize winner of several Academy Awards and three Telegatti, entertains readers with reflections and thoughts on various topics related to every field of human knowledge, because he is a professional spin doctors.


"Hello Professor"
"Hello young man, what a pleasure to hear. How were the holidays?"
"Okay ... I am relaxed ... too bad incident during my first week of work
" Yes, I read ... of course you too, damn it! "
"Me too what?"
"Stop the car .. Can it be that the strip has not yet learned in Milan that pedestrians are expendable items in order to obtain a smooth road? "
" I'm beginning to think so, but do not talk about this ... why has not sent me the piece to be published on Monday? "
" But I'm still on holiday, are at sea. "
" How still on holiday? Here we have reopened the blog "
" But you were not to reopen the 30? "
" NO! And we left without his piece: what a figure! "
" I had not said, however, I wanted to take a sabbatical? "
" Damn it: she has made a commitment prciso with this blog. "
" Come And Verba Volant PAPER PUREM "
" Apart from that the proverb is not so, I hope that this Monday you can fix it. "
" Absolutely not. Here I am having a great time here on the beach with my colleagues and friends, Rita, Margaret and Renato. "
" Scientists? "
" Yes, it is they are just as fun ... "
" Come on ... could not choose a pet younger? "
" Young man you speak so why not know them! Should hear their speeches the Rita has a genuine passion for Fabrizio Corona says that pokes like a chimney. And Renato ... mamma mia ... runs after all girls topless. "
" And Margaret? "
" He knows that for years she's in love with her lost calls ... MY LOVE plutonium
"Platonic, it means"
"No, no .. Pluto. A wonderful love ATOMIC"
"I agree ... disagree ... it's all nice, but ... the piece?"
"I said I took a sabbatical"
"But I've already sold a number of advertising spaces in the BLOG!"
"I do not mind the gross pecuniary. Again: a sabbatical"
"It's a lot of euros"
"Ummmm .. better quantify, please"
"Thousands ... tens of thousands ..."
"Oh my God ... they are already tired at the end of the holidays and then the summer is ending and a year is gone. You know what? I nearly back to work. What do you think?"
"As usual, she churns out great ideas ..."
"I can not do other than agree ... hey! You 3: Stop! Stop it! For the misery of your cartilage! Young man, we feel another m omentum, those three have made reckless dance WAKA WAKA! "

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hang Curtain Tie-backs

Target The remote power

you been punished because you gave back the temptation to use your car instead of public transport to go to work.

not true, it was only for a week.

Yes, yes they all say so ...

But no, because it was August, there is still a lot of traffic and there have few resources.

But you know that the car pollution. And between toll and petrol spend more than you earn.

But it was the penultimate day. Then I stopped. Really (because I want when I put s)
But ... it happened again.

should have realized by now that you have a target drawn on the trunk.

The first time, with the hull antiquarian Como, I was not quite ready.
just got out of his car, driving an SUV so high as to obscure the sun, I was assaulted, "But really, how do you drive that way! Here there are people in a hurry"
"Actually I was stopped. At the traffic lights. Red. And she hit me. "
"Eh, you always the right answer, you youngsters. Okay, though I have an important business meeting and I have to go "
" And the accident report? "
" Ah, these formalities. Take my business card and come to an agreement with the secretary. Goodbye ".
And he was gone, forcing me to go to that branch of Lake Como to sign the statement.

This time I made a lightness more unforgivable than to stop at a red light.
that will be just got back from vacation and the city has not yet resumed its pace ... well, I do not know what came over me.
fact is that I stopped to let pedestrians cross who were on the strips. In fact at first I thought that the expression of pedestrians were scared due to my rash. But no, watching the car behind me, but failed all the time, did not stop.
this time that he used my car as a target and a car woman, a English mother. Next door is his son, a boy with his arm in plaster. Do not be a good time.
"Have you hurt yourself?" ask first.
"No, no. But I can not wait," she points out there, which will also have a long name but is completely milanesizzata English.
"Okay, we compile the findings ..."
"But I have to go get the child! "
And no my dear, do not fool me this time.

And you, dear automibilisti Milanese mettetevelo well in mind: now I understand, the trick.
A driving school does not teach, but should: the 'only certainty you have, when you come to Milan is buffered by the driver of the other car would definitely have a hell of a hurry. Why in Milan all have something important to do. Now.

And now stop writing and go since I'm busy.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Même Questions Anime Plus?

Pivius of Life, the legendary owner of the top two floors of our building, it's not all pink and flowers might seem like appearance.

The appearance is not so bad: the Pivius lives with his family, composed of two PierPivi Pivia and, in an apartment that is five times as large as ours, with an elevator that goes directly into the living room and a terrace so large that it organizes golf tournaments . The
Pivius no television, but a room that says "Room 3" of the cinema where the film projects that, thanks to large window outside, all the inhabitants of neighboring penthouses have the privilege of seeing. And then the
Pivius has a fleet wiped out, including a jeep, the Cayenne, a BMW, a sports car, that of Batman and even a motorcycle chenonsisamai. But the

Pivius has its beautiful problems. For example

Living in a building and managing such a large number of vehicles is a concern, because usually those bums architects predict one garage per apartment, not ten. So
Pivius managed to buy only two in his house, while others had to take in the buildings nearby and every time the tap to try out the machine that best fits in with the occasion.
which is still a problem.
But not stop there. The real gripe of

Pivius is to have bought two more garage punks of all, those close to slide in and out, however, that is steep, and this makes it uncomfortable parking maneuvers (especially the Cayenne, as you can imagine).
Obviously both garages are equipped with overhead electricity (we do not want to break the back mica), but since the misfortunes never come alone, has always given him a problem, as I have noticed myself.

Often, while I was still waiting for the electric gate opened to exit the ramp, I happened to see it open, or even mysteriously open and close without any of Pivi was nearby, as if moved by hidden forces.

Now the mystery has been revealed.

Sometimes (but rarely, eh, because I'm not a distracted) I sometimes groped to open the electric gate NOT the building with the white remote charge, but the black one, which instead is used to open the gate of the house of my in-laws.
And what happens? That this remote, by coincidence, it also opens the garage Pivius.


I have the remote control of the Bat Cave, which is usually kept at the Bat mobile AC Cayenne.

Now it is empty, because obviously the Pivi are on vacation.

And I spent hours at open and close it just to experience this feeling of power.

But when they return and the bat cave will be filled then it will be a different story.