Friday, April 30, 2010

Bigbang Bros Pinky And Cherokee

If you drive do not drink alcohol

Alcohol, if consumed in moderate amounts, can alter the physical and psychological integrity and therefore to create difficulties for the guide.
Alcohol and driving do not go quite agree, and often there is the perception of dangerous to drive after drinking a few glasses. Download the guide

Sigonella In February


Health promotion is to give correct information on the need to abolish the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
For many a drink with friends is simply a moment of relaxation and fun, for others it may be the cause of many problems. An adequate understanding of how you consume alcoholic beverages is crucial for maintaining good health.

Download guide

Men Physical Completly Genital Exam

know what you drink alcohol and work: the more you know less risk

publishing this very interesting guide from the site
Download guide

Migraines & Processed Meats

Young drink too much too soon

continues to be disturbingly low level of alcohol consumption by young people: the Sixth Report to Parliament on the operations carried out by Ministry of Health and the Regions regarding alcohol and alcohol-related problems show that as many as 9.4% of the population consumes alcohol daily amount 'does not moderate, while 15.9% does not meet the guidelines proposed by the consumer health protection bodies .

towards Europe Italy has a lower prevalence of consumers of alcoholic beverages and a lower spread of binge drinking, drinking with the aim of getting drunk, but among those who consume alcohol, as many as 26% do so daily (twice the European average), 14% do so from 4 to 5 times a week (more value 'highest in Europe ) and 34% practice binge drinking at least once a week (compared to 28% of EU average).

Binge drinking and 'is particularly common in men of 18-24 years (22.1%) and 25-44 (16.9%), but grows over time, the prevalence of women consumers. Hospital admissions is increasing the proportion of hospital diagnoses for alcoholic liver cirrhosis in relation to other diagnoses (+6.5 percentage points from 2000 to 2006).

Prontoconsumatore Web Editor - AM Editor

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Convert To Swivel Rocker

Meeting with

Tuesday 11 May 21.00
AT THE AUSER Cervignano del Friuli

soon expire government incentives to install solar panels on the roof home. A group of families Cervignano and not only are interested in doing this "green passage". Install a photovoltaic system is not just about helping the environment but also make a great favor to his portafoglio.L May '11 will be held the first informational meeting of the buying group and is open to anyone who wants to learn more about this initiative. Even those without a home property or lives in an apartment can be a valid means to help the environment through the "adopt a kilowatt." Those who were sensitive to the subject but has no capital to invest can take advantage of a fully funded system that is practically free.
The initiative is proposed by vendors or technicians but by a small group of cervignanesi, and non-profit organization than to be able to get a discount on the amount of equipment you buy.